Monday, August 29, 2005

Cruising the Baltic

The Silja Symphony (docked in Helsinki)

The onboard Esplanade

Stockholm (Part the Second)

Our Hostel (The big white boat)

Early morning view from Hostel-Boat

The Arctic Circle

Yay!! Reindeer

Our lake

Our private, floating sauna

HOT HOT HOT... or cold?

Got wood?? (We used just about all of the front stack... in the sauna)

Old Sea Dog

Stockholm (Part the First)

The Swedes are pretty excited about Pippi Longstockings...

... and Mutton-Chops

The Vasa was built in the 1600s to be the biggest and most heavily ship in the kings Navy during Sweden's Empire. It was the first ship built with two lines of cannon port-holes and was extremely ornate. The aim was to instill fear and awe into those who opposed Sweden. It probably would have worked had it not sunk before it managed to leave the harbour on its maiden voyage!! 300 years later, it has been salvaged (essentially in perfect condition due to the ship-worm's inability to survive in the Baltic Sea), preserved and meticulously pieced back together.
The model
The real thing


Free bike

Hall full of cannons (chronological, up to modern artillery and missiles. There was also a set of matching painted cannons of varying sizes...)

Big Sword

Big Rifle

So many guns. The second floor was as big as the Cannon hall and lined with about 10 rows of these display cabinets. Everything from medieval spears to a vulcan minigun.


Petra och Magnus at Ales Stenar (ancient stone ship-shaped circle)

Dipping the hat in the Baltic Sea


After a bad night on the train.

Brown ooze in the making - Alec (AKA Russian dude) left, Birdo right, Pe behind camera (which partially explains the poor photo quality)


Bamberg at night


Rothenberg ob der Tauer

The City Wall

Chastity Belts (On loan from the Blow Collection)



(Am I destined only to manage out of focus mullet shots that hide the true ferocity??)


Us in a Microbrewery (quite literally)


See the white speck..?

This is the view from there.

Titties in the Alps.

Gay Paris

Paris: Hilton (near some landmark of sorts)

Chateau D'if - Marseilles

B dipping his hat into the Mediterranean.

The chateau (out of shot) is where that poor sod is imprisoned in Count of Monte Cristo.

Deep in Wine Country

B's brother's b'day. In the corner is B's cousin, Matt.

Marion und Harald

Our very German host parents